-Ceritanya lagi selflove- Dear adefir, De, you've been so strong passing through many things. Inget neng upeh, idup kedepannya bakal lebih susah lagi. It's all just the beginning. You'll face something even bigger, stronger, tougher, and so on. Just don't be scare. Face it owkayyy. We know that people out there are loving and caring you but remember just don't ever put any expectation to anyone else, never, cause end up it's only yourself (and god definitely) that you can rely on. It's only yourself who understand the most. Be independent and love yourself too. Anyway, thanks for being still alive. You know, life's ups and downs and sometimes pathetic haha. But hold on neng, You'll find your own happiness, soon or late. Your life is precious. Neng upeh, find your happiness. Relieve your stress. Dispose your all toxins. Masih banyak yang harus disyukuri daripada disesali. Ohiya inget, ketika tidak ada bahu untuk bersandar, masih ada gehu untuk didahar...
Written by Syafira Zulfia or call me Ashyong. A Sotoyer from Indonesia